Taylor Brehm received her BA in archaeology with a minor in anthropology from the University of Wisconsin–La Crosse in 2014. After graduating, she moved to Minneapolis, Minnesota, to work in the archaeology department of the Science Museum of Minnesota, where she assisted in local excavations, rehoused archaeological collections, and participated in public outreach. She also often worked with the conservator at the Science Museum, where she developed her interest in conservation. First as a volunteer and later an employee in the conservation department of the museum, Taylor learned firsthand how to treat a variety of objects, ranging from humidifying Inuit sealskin boots and stabilizing Dakota beadwork, to reconstructing a thousand-year old precontact ceramic vessel. In addition, Taylor was an intern at KCI Conservation, a private practice conservation firm in Minneapolis. She increased her experience with contemporary art treatments, such as working on Paul Manship bronze objects, an art piece by Ayomi Yoshida at the Target Corporation Headquarters, and outdoor sculptures. During her time at UCLA, Taylor hopes to explore how community engagement can assist in determining object treatment and storage methods, as well as gain more experience performing onsite archaeological conservation.